Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Again, say Hi to my blog after almost 8 months never drop a word here... Bad things always come along with new post... I hate 2nd July.

Tiring day during work hour. Thought that going back home after work is time for rest, but still receiving message asking for update in work. Feeling stress even at home, this is the pro and cons of WATS APPS. Too convenience to asking for status just by dropping a message, and its FREE. But it makes me DOWN.

And also the LINE which made my day when I got to know that my man wants to work & travel overseas for few months. I would say No if I could, but decision should not come from me. Truly hope he can make the right decision. Perhaps I don't feel secure for the relationship til today.

I shall have a well rest before tomorrow comes. See you soon Blog, I am sure I'll be back soon.
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