Social integration...
Social institution...
Social interaction...
Social groups...
Social inequality...
Social stratification...
Social mobility...
Social force...
Socialization... Confuse? Now u know how suffer i am...
Methodology/Research Method
1. check presumed validity of existing theories
2. produce information
3. develop new theories explain how our lives are influenced by various social forces.
survey, observation, experiment, analysis of existing data.
1. ask Q abt opinion, beliefs or behaviors
2. method: f-to-f, telephone interveiw or paper-pencil format.
A)Sampling: random/systematic/stratified sampling.
B)Questionnaires & interviews: self-administered questionnaires(multiple choice or true-false)/personal(structured or unstructured interviews)/telephone interviews.
1. rely on ourselves to go where the action is and to watch what is happening.
2. detached/participant observation.
1. an analysis of ppl's lives in their own perspectives.
2. focus more on meaning(what subject think/believe) than activities(what subject do/how they behave).
Analysis of existing data:
1. impossible to gather new info or conduct interview/observation because the ppl we want to study are long dead.
2. secondary analysis-search for new knowledge in the data collected earlier by another researcher.
research ethics:
1. ensure welfare of participants
2. be honest and disclose all details of their research
3. shd not do research that could be harmful to the society.
1. is a collection of interacting individuals who share the same way of live and living in the same territory.
2. in a society, members can be from a different ethnic group.
3. a higly complex society may have many diverse characteristics & conflicts because of the society's foundation.
1. the position in the society
2. ppl behave according to their statuses
3. sometimes being ranked
4. we have so many statuses, mainly ascribed & achieved status
A) Ascribed status:
>> a status that one has no control over
>> given to us independently on what we do
>> it based on race, sex, and age.
B) Achieved status:
>> a status that is attained through an individual's own actions
5. despite our many statuses, we are usually influenced by only one status when we interact with others.
A) Master status: dominates a relationships
B) Subordinate status: does not dominate
1. every status has their roles
2. role is a set of expectations of what individual should do in accordance with a particular status that they hold.
A) Role Set: an array of roles is attached to one particular role
B) Role performance: how a person actually carries out the role
C) Prescribed role: expectation held in society regarding how an individual with a particular status should behave
D) Role conflict: expected to play 2 conflicting roles of our 2 different status at the same time.
E) Role strain: stress caused by the demand from the role of a single status.
Social Aggregate:
a collection of ppl in one place but dint interact with each another.
Social group:
a collection of ppl who interact with one another and have certain feeling of unity.
A) Primary group:
>> a group of members interact informally, relate to each other as a whole person, and enjoy their relationship, lasting for years.
B) Secondary group:
>> a group of members interact formally, relate to each other as a player of particular roles, expect to profits from each other
>> no emotional ties, the communication is bound by formalities
>> self-centered goal, short term relationship
Social institution:
a set of widely shared beliefs, norms and procedures necessary for meeting the basic needs of society.
Society Sosiocultural Revolution:
1. a process of changing from a simple to complex society.
2. societies can be classified into categories based on the technologies used to produce food.
3. 1st phrase: hunting & gathering, pastoral, horticultural, agricultural
2nd phrase: industrial, information
A) Hunting & gathering:
>> oldest and most egalitarian society in the world
>> a human group depending on hunting & gathering for its survival which usually consists of 25-40ppl
>> nomadic: moving from one place to another as the food supply of the area are given out
>> use simple tools: spears & hand
>> no leader & most decisions are arrived at through discussion
>> influenced spiritual forces and help to obtain food
>> division of labor: Men(hunting wild animal) & women and children (gathering)
B)Pastoral societies:
>> a society based on pasturing the animals
>> domesticate and herd the animal as their primary source of food
>> nomadic: constantly on the move, looking for fresh grazing grounds for their herds
C)Horticultural societies:
>> a society based on cultivating plants by the use of hand tools
>> not nomadic/ permanent settlement: tropical forest in Africa, Asia, Australia
>> labor division: Men (clear forest) & women (cultivating)
>> religion: believe in god & perform religious ritual (to appease the spirit of their dead ancestors)
>> Warriors hold power and prestige
D)Agricultural societies:
>> a society based on large-scale agriculture
>> farmers cultivate a land continuously and intensively
>> some give up farming and become tailors/shoemakers- help city emerge
>> society is headed by a dictator with power- believe leader has divine power
>> hierarchy
E)Industrial societies:
>> a society based on harnessing of machine powered by fuels
>> steam engine was 1st used to run machinery (earlier machine-use wind and water mills depend on human and animals power)
>> invention of automobile, telephone, radio, movies, jet airline- have affected our life significantly
F)Information /post industrial societies:
>> society based on information, services, high technology rather than on raw materials and manufacturing
>> produce food so efficiently that high technology & service dominate the society
1. a designed for living
2. a complex whole of consisting objects, values, & other characteristics that ppl acquire as member of society
3. Material society: material objects that distinguish a group of ppl
Non-material society: a group's ways of thinking and doing
A)Material society:
>> object reflect the nature of society in which they were made
B)Non-material society:
>> abstract entities that influence ppl include:
>>(i)knowlegde & belief : objective & subjective idea/unverifiable
>>(ii)norms & values : social rule specify how ppl shd behave(folkways & mores) & socially shared ideas what is good, desirable or important.
>>(iii)symbols & language : a word, gesture, music or anything that stand for some other thing, eg: language.
Functionalist perspective: culture meets human needs
1. culture serves basic need(food and shelter) & higher need(psychological security, social harmony, spiritual fulfillment)
2. central function: ensure social order & stability
3. without culture, human society cnt survive
Conflict perspective: culture supports social inequality
1. 1st: culture reflect the interest of rich & powerful in society
2. 2nd:
>> protect status quo from alienating effects of social and economic oppression/ cruel exercise of power
>> believe that powerful deserve their riches & privileges because of their great intelligence and hard work
>> the powerless blame themselves for being poor and join the powerful in supporting status quo of social inequality
Symbolic perspective: culture reflects shared understanding
1. portray human as being free
2. culture is a shared understanding that people use to coordinate their activities. therefore, human as being free to create/change culture.
3. culture is a:
(i)guide to social interaction:
>> unable us to think & behave without have to question the meaning of every thought & behavior
>> has not been a perfect/useful guide because social environment changes continuously
>> its fixed & inherited from the past
(ii)product of interaction:
>> it changing, continuously created by ppl today
Ethnocentrism VS Cultural Relativism
(A)Ethnocentrism: attitude that one's own cultural is superior to those of other ppl
(B)Cultural Relativism: belief that cultural must be understood on its own word.
[hopes cultural dint include socialization]
Sex & Gender with Family Institution
Gender Roles:
1. the pattern of attitude & behaviour that a society expects of its member because they are female/male
2. gender roles based on:
A) stereotypes : abt how men & women behave
>>women:homemaker, take care of family
>>men:work outside, provide food for family
B)discrimination : abt how men & women shd behave
>>women: shy, passive, weak, emotional, cry easily, sexually passive, dependent
>>men: ambitious, aggressive, strong, control emotions, sexually experienced
Gender socialization:
we are born to be female/male but we learn to become women/men
Socialization Agent-The Family:
1. influenced by parents, develop a sexual identity & learn gender roles
2. (i)at birth:
>> Girls: (pink color, handle more gently, given dolls)
>> Boys: (blue color, given action figures)
>> thought to differentiate he/his & she/her
>> use more words abt feeling/emotions to girls
>> girls emphasize agreement & boys use more threatening and dominating languages
3. G: ladylike, polite, gentle, express emotion freely
B: avoid being sissies, dont cry, maintain macho image, exploitative attitude, assertive
Social institution-FAMILY
Family type:
A)Family orientation: the family in which one grows up, made up of oneself, one's parents & siblings
B)Family procreation: established through marriage, consisting of oneself, one's spouse & children
Family Composition:
A)Nuclear family:
>> consisting of 2parents & their unmarried children
>> also called conjugal family because its member are related by virtue of the marriage btw parents
B)Extended family:
>> consisting of 2parents, their unmarried children, & other relatives
>> also called consanguine family because their blood tie among relatives is considered more important than the marital bond
Mate Selection:
A)arrangement marriage: partners are selected by the couple's parents is very common
B)exogamy: the act of marrying someone from outside one's group such as clan, tribe, village
C)endogamy: the act of marrying someone from within one's own group
D)monogamy: marriage of 1 man & 1 women
E)polygamy: marriage of one person to 2/more ppl of the opposite sex
F)polyandry: marriage of 1women to 2/more men
G)polygyny: marriage of 1men to 2/more women
H)serial monogamy: marriage of 1person to 2/more ppl but only one at a time
A)Neolocal residence: a home where the married couple live by themselves, away from both husband's & wife's families
B)Patrilocal residence: a home where the married couple live with the husband's family
C)Matrilocal residence: a home where the married couple live with the wife's family
A)Patriarchal family: dominant figure is the eldest male
B)Matriarchal family: dominant figure is the eldest female
C)Egalitariat family: authority is equally distributed btw husband &wife
Functionalist perspectives: Family function
(i)sexual regulation:
>> impose some control on who may have sex with whom
>> premarital sex to determine whether a girl is fertile & to prepare adolescents for marriage
>> extramarital sex under condition that do not disturb family stability (eg: offer wives to overnight guests as a gestures of hostility)
>> produce children to replace the older adults who die
>> traditional societies, children considered precious
>> modern societies, children rewarded with tax deductions
(iii)emotional security:
>> children shape personalities & create hard-to-break patterns from family
>> need comfort & reassurance
>> transmits its values to the new generation
(v)economic cooperation:
>> children need physical care: food, clothing, shelter
>> family members cooperate as economic unit, working to earn income/ doing household chores to minimize expenditures
Conflict perspectives: Violence & Exploitation
>> family is the most violence institution
>> anger, physical punishment, spouse slapping e/other
>> few group in society empowered by law/tradition to hit its members
>> it is legal to spank a children as a form of punishment
>> many husband who strike their wives are not arrested/prosecuted/imprisoned
>> family is a mechanism for men's exploitation of women
>> men are paid for their work outside the home meanwhile women are not paid for their work inside the home
>> if women are paid for her services as a mother & homemaker, she would earn more than most the men do
>> by devaluing women's housework, family serve the interest for male exploitation
>> even both working, wive generally do most of the housework
Conflict perspective: Interaction & happiness
1. focus on immediate issues, such as how the interaction btw husband & wife can bring marital happiness/unhappiness
2. types of interaction toward marital happiness:
(i)positive interaction: act of thoughtful friendliness such as touching, smiling, & paying compliments
(ii)negative interaction: act of thoughtless nastiness such as ignoring, criticizing, & calling name
Alternatives lifestyle:
(i)staying single: reason for the increase in committed single-hood:
>> social pressure to get married has declined
>> opportunity for single to have a good life has expanded
(ii)living together:
>> couple live together without have any marriage ceremony
>> cohabitation has spread through among college student & young working adults
>> most cohabitants live like marriage couple & intend to marry eventually
(iii)gay & lesbian marriage:
>> has been legalized in Canada, Belgium, Netherlands
>> have same legal protections & financial benefits as heterosexual couples
>> have children - from earlier heterosexual relationship, adopted / born through artificial insemination
>> tend to have an egalitarian relationship- have same gender roles
Now left with:
Social interaction
Group & Organization
i wish to cont, but its late now... going to campus! good luck for me!
Social social social...society society society...